Fire in the West – Giant Sequoia and Wildfire in the 21st Century

World Wood Day Foundation and International Wood Culture Society (IWCS) are honored to work with Rocky Mountain Research Station (RMRS), to present a series of videos: Fire in the West.
In the last few decades, wildfires in the west have become an increasing problem for the USA. Through presentations and discussions with experienced researchers, we would like to open a conversation to the public about how and why wildfires occur and hope to bring more awareness and understanding about them. 

In this video, we have invited Dr. Kristen Shive, lead scientist of The Nature Conservancy, California Chapter, and Jessica Brewen, Science Delivery specialist with RMRS. Hosted by Mr. Steve Ambrose, retired Forest Service employee and now volunteer for IWCS, this presentation and discussion demonstrate how giant sequoias are affected by wildfires in the 21st century.

Presentation by lead scientist of The Nature Conservancy, California Chapter: Dr. Kriten Shive –
Giant Sequoia and Wildfire in the 21st Century
# Basics about giant sequoia.
# Historic fire regime.
# Fire history of giant sequoia.
# Change of fire regime.
# Does giant sequoia have better resistance to high severity fires?
# After the fire. Regenerate?
# Tools to help.
# What should be the focus now?

Group discussion: Q&A 
# Public’s reaction towards fire.
# Why do sequoias seem to have limited area for growing?
# Is it possible to increase their growing areas?
# How do you get the seeds from sequoia’s special corn manually for plantation?
# How is the successful rate to regenerate saplings in high severity fire areas?
# How do high severity fires impact other forest recourses?
# How did the indigenous people use fire as a tool?
# Is it possible to save injured sequoias?
# How do you measure temperatures in the past?
# The most massive organism on earth?
# Definition of crown ratio.
# Does the height of sequoias make the fire bigger?
# Reasons for 2020 and 2021 the bad years for fires?
# Are redwoods facing the same challenges now?
# What is the Nature Conservancy doing in terms of forest management?
# The cooperation between RMRS and sequoia study. 
More information about Wildland Fire Management Strategy:

More information about RMRS and The Nature Conservancy:

More World Wood Day and Fire in the West information:

More questions? Contact our presenters!